Somon DNA

Somon DNA

Salmon DNA injection is an approach that offers a brand new and creative approach to skin regeneration. Salmon DNA makes your pale skin appear more vibrant, smoother, reliable, and efficient improvement of your facial impression without deterioration. Salmon DNA, which is also considered one of the youth vaccines, contains a high amount of hyaluronic acid and many vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

How is salmon DNA procedure?

About 20-30 minutes before the procedure, topical anesthetic creams are applied to the area to be treated. Salmon DNA is injected under the skin with infinitely small needles in an almost painless form. Salmon DNA vaccine is given once a week or at 15-day intervals. In Salmon DNA vaccine treatment, 1 session of hyaluronic acid and 1 session of Salmon DNA can be applied. The permanence of the application varies between 4 and 6 months.

You can always consult experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Umut Suadiye to learn more about your personalized aesthetic needs.
