Ozone Therapy

Glutathione is an antioxidant produced in cells. It consists largely of the amino acids glutamine, glycine, and cysteine. Glutathione levels in the body can be reduced by several factors including malnutrition, environmental toxins, age, and stress. In addition to being produced naturally by the body, glutathione can be given intravenously, topically, or inhaled. It is also available as an oral supplement in capsule and liquid form.

Glutathione is involved in building and repairing tissue, making chemicals and proteins needed in the body, and immune system function. Glutathione is considered safe.

You can always consult experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Umut Suadiye to learn more about your personalized aesthetic needs.


Exner R, Wessner B, Manhart N, Roth E. Therapeutic potential of glutathione. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2000: 28;112(14):610-6.
