Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a common type of cosmetic surgery that uses breast implants or fat transfer to increase the size and shape of your breasts. There are several types of breast implants and surgical procedures, so it is important to talk to your doctor about the implant and procedure that is best for you.

What are the different kinds of breast augmentation?

Breast implants are the most common type of breast augmentation. Breast implant options:

  • Saline breast implants: These implants are filled with sterile saline. If the implant breaks inside your chest, your body will absorb the salt water and naturally get rid of it.
  • Structured saline breast implants: These implants are filled with sterile saline and have an internal structure that helps the implant feel more natural.
  • Silicone breast implants: These implants are made of silicone gel. If you have a silicone implant, you may need to have your doctor regularly checked, breast ultrasonography or breast MRI to make sure your implants are functioning properly.
  • Form-stable breast implants: These implants retain their shape even in shell fractures. They are made from a thicker silicone gel and are firmer than conventional implants. Form-stable breast implants require a longer surgical incision in your skin.
  • Round breast implants: These implants usually make the breasts appear fuller. Because implants are ubiquitously rounded, they typically do not change the appearance of your breast when they are displaced.
  • Smooth breast implants: These implants are the softest of all implant types.
  • Textured breast implants: These implants create scar tissue to adhere to the implant, making them less likely to move inside your breast.

Breast augmentation with fat transfer: In breast augmentation with fat transfer, your surgeon will use liposuction to remove fat from another part of your body and then inject this fat into your breasts. This type of augmentation is usually for people who do not want implants in their breasts. In most cases, your surgeon will remove fatty tissue from one of the areas in your belly, abdomen, back, or thighs.

How is life after surgery?

You will be able to leave the hospital when your condition is stable enough. This usually includes 1-2 days of hospitalization. You should not lift heavy for at least four weeks. It may take up to four weeks before you can return to activities such as exercise.

You can always consult experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Umut Suadiye to learn more about your personalized aesthetic needs.


Cleveland Clinic, Breast Augmentation, Last Accessed: May 2023.

NHS, Breast Enlargement, Last Accessed: May 2023.
